Saturday 23 August 2014

Siberian Amethyst Gemstones

What is a Siberian Amethyst?
Siberian Amethysts were usually amethyst stones from Russia or Siberia and are known for being the most expensive of all amethysts. These amethysts can command huge prices due to the rarity of the stone and their beautiful coloring. Siberian amethyst mines have now been mined out which is one of the reasons why these stones are so rare and valuable.
Siberian Amethyst is a term that is thrown around quite loosely to describe amethysts that are very deep in colour. With amethysts the deeper the colour indicates that it can command a higher price per carat. A Siberian amethyst is now known as a “grade” term and does not refer to the location of where a stone is mined. Deep Siberian Amethysts are the most valuable of them all with the purple hue making up to 75-80% of the colour and with flashes of either red or blue.
The colour of a Siberian Amethyst can be described as a very deep hue of purple which can range from a reddish purple in colour to a dark purple. Amethysts can be referred to as Siberian in color if they show signs of red tones.
Siberian Amethyst Facts
·         If your amethyst has been labeled as a Siberian Amethyst you have the highest grade amethyst, amethysts are also labeled as Bahain or Uruguayan and this does not always relate to the location where they have been mined.
·         Amethysts can appear to change color dependent on the lighting conditions. Amethysts will appear to be a more bluish to purple color when viewed under daylight and may appear to have more flashes of red when seen under bright lighting. Keep this in mind when you are purchasing your stones.
·         Never clean your amethysts with any chemical cleaning solutions as it can ruin the coloring and appearance of your stone. It is best to cleanse your stones with an Ultrasonic Jewellery Cleaner.

·         Siberian amethysts vibrate at the same frequency as other amethysts which mean they are still great stones to use for stress relief and to overcome insomnia.

1 comment:

  1. Amethyst Gemstones is also called as the birthstone for the one who were born in the month of february.
