Wednesday 23 November 2022

Precious stones, minerals and gems

 Precious and semi - precious stones or gems are completely natural elements that are characterized by their great beauty, which is why they are widely used in the world of jewelry.

But, in addition to their beauty, since ancient times, healing properties have been attributed to gems through the energy they possess. Perhaps it is because of their beauty or their rarity, but the truth is that precious stones have inspired philosophers, magicians and priestesses, their properties reaching our days.

For many cultures, precious stones have a special magic, not only for their beauty as a decorative object, but also for their properties related to well-being and astrology. Hence, they are sometimes used for spiritual or therapeutic purposes. In fact, each territory seems to have a predilection for certain stones, such as in Egypt for lapis lazuli, or China for jade or obsidian for the Aztecs.

Precious stones and semi - precious stones are almost mostly minerals; some of them, however, are organic, such as amber, which is a fossilized vegetable resin.

 What are precious and semi-precious stones?

Precious and semi - precious stones are gems with four main characteristics:

·        They are minerals.

·        They have an intense shine.

·        They have a high hardness and solidity.

·        They are hard to find.

 Types of precious and semiprecious stones

That said, it should be noted that there are only four precious stones: diamond, blue sapphire, ruby ​​and emerald.

On the other hand, there are many other semi-precious stones, which maintain similar properties and characteristics, but, as there are more of them, they are easier to find.

In order to distinguish between precious stones and semi-precious stones, three main factors are used:

1. The hardness scale of the same. The hardest gemstone is the diamond.

2. The rarity, scarcity or difficulty to find them in nature.

3 .Its beauty and perfection. When we talk about the beauty and perfection of a stone, whether precious or semi-precious, we refer to its color, brilliance, transparency and purity. A pure gemstone with no blemishes and a radiant color can be worth even more than a similar diamond.

Decades ago, amethyst was also considered a precious stone, but after the discovery of the enormous deposits in Brazil, it became part of the group of semi-precious stones, since it was not so scarce and rare.

The most used semi-precious stones in jewelry are agate, amethyst, amber, aventurine, quartz, jasper, laspislazuli, onyx and turquoise. Each of them with unique properties. In successive posts we will be developing its qualities, so that it is easier to find which stone you identify with or which one would be most necessary to you at this time.

Properties of precious and semi-precious stones

Next, we are going to show you the main properties of precious and semi-precious stones, so that you can get the most suitable one for you.

But, given the great variety, we have prepared a list with the most outstanding precious and semi-precious stones.


With a characteristic violet color, amethyst is a calming and calming stone, which has properties to calm thoughts and offer us greater mental clarity. It is known as the stone of sobriety.

Clear quartz

Totally colorless, clear quartz has cleansing and purifying properties , being very effective in getting rid of negative thoughts, traumas and freeing us from everything that is harmful to us and hurts us.


Belonging to precious stones, the diamond is one of the highest value and most coveted stones, characterized by being a colorless gem that can be present in practically any color.

The diamond is a stone that increases the physical energy of our body, having an effect on our entire energy body and working as a spiritual guide.


Green in color mixed with violet and yellow tones, fluorite is a stone with relaxing properties, very effective in relieving stress and anxiety. It has the ability to absorb all the negative energy that is around, filling the space in which we find ourselves with energy.


Another of the stones that meets the necessary requirements to be a gemstone, the ruby ​​has properties that provide greater mental clarity, as well as increasing self-confidence and improving self-esteem.


One of the best stones to use as an amulet, malachite absorbs bad energy and drives away bad feelings such as envy or jealousy, as well as increasing work performance. It is one of the most recommended to have in our workplace.


Aquamarine is a semiprecious stone that protects the aura and natural energy, which at first glance stands out for its great beauty and bright color.

Black tourmaline

Black tourmaline has purifying properties for energy, mind and body, and is widely used as an amulet for its protective power.

Lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli helps to release our emotions and balance excitement with reality, ensuring that nerves do not affect our good intentions. Of great beauty, it shows off a precious blue color decorated with gold or silver veins.


Carnelian has high energetic powers for the home, helping to stabilize the energy levels around us. Widely used in bracelets, it has properties to improve self-esteem and encourage creativity.

This is how precious stones can help you take care of your skin

Semi Precious Stone Jewellery